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2001-03-19 - 03:26:10

i did my hw today. yep... all two assignments. well, actually, not really. i didnt finish my math cause i dont get it. but hey, when did i ever?

oh, and i did the spreadsheet for rotc and i found out that i didnt have every period's information. so now i'm fucked. oh, and i got this other thing too for peer ed. and i didnt even start on that really. i dont have the drive to do it, i guess i'm doing it tomorrow sometime.

i'm watching that neaderthal special on the discovery channel. and damn man, neaderthal chicks are ugly. yuck.

but speaking of looks and girls... damn man, erin is sneaky. well, not really, but she cornered me today. we were talking about eye size (there was a gradual progression into this conversation, we didnt just start talking about it, okay?), and well, we came to the conclussion that raquel has small eyes (smaller than mine!). and then i said "y'know whos got really big eyes?"


"your friend erin."

"erin fujimoto?"

"i dont know her name. y'know, your friend one."

"oh, the pretty one?"

"uh... i guess so." i say hessitantly. what am i supposed to say? am i supposed to tell my girlfriend that i think one of her friends is hot?

"c'mon. say it. shes pretty. i know you wanna say it." shes freakin peer pressuring me! my own girlfriend! damn shes evil! thats why i love her. :)

"okay, fine. yes, the *clears throat* pretty one... *mumble* freakin erin..."

"ah ha!"

yep, thats my girl, she peer pressures me. but y'know, its all good. she tried to make me feel better about it by saying that i'm not the only guy who thinks that (or girl for that matter). but then, being true to form, she goes on teasing me about my "fetish" for the name "erin." no i do not have a fetish for the name erin. its just a freakin' coincidence if you ask me. a sick coincidence.

y'know, i'll admit that erin fujimoto is pretty hot. and i'm sure many other guys do so too. i bet if i showed you her, the majority of you'd say so too. just keep it on the down low if you ever talk to erin tagomori. i hate names. we should all be called by numbers or something else. but no.. then the numbers would assume the title of "name" and it'd just be a vicious circle.

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