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2001-03-20 - 10:13 p.m.


i didnt update last night cause i was wasted.

but today i'm not.

well, not really...

but, still not as much as last night.


today was...



i copied erin's hw today instead of vice-versa.

that was new.

and at lunch, oki and were hanging out where the freshmen stay.

he was checking out that erin fujimoto chick.

and we were also making fun of kato's chick, allison.

she threatened to get violent with us if we didnt stop.

she lied.

in period five, janie and i had a good day.

isnt that right amy and blair?

we were playing trumps, like we always do, and they won the first few games...

then amy HAD to call trumps...

so she did...

and she had us kept down to no packs...

until the third to the last pack.


she exclaimed as i took that pack.

"we could've bolo'd them!


i lauged.

janie laughed.

amy and blair got salty.

they almost had us bolo'd, but we stoped them.

oh, then janie and i won something like the next four games.

then amy got really paranoid and had to challenge us to another few games to try and regain her confidence in herself.

so janie and i took the challenge.

janie and i had shit cards, but we got the kitty.

janie called hearts or diamonds.

i forget.

all i remember is that i had only one.

and we played the game.

janie got a few packs.

i got a few.

amy and blair got none.

we bolo'd them.


they were salty.


then amy and blair had to play another game.

we obliged knowing it was time for us to loose.

they called.

we had nothing.

except i had one ace.

amy and blair didnt suspect it either.

they thought they controlled the game.

they didnt know that i had the ace.

and so we challenged...

they took us down to the last pack.

amy threw a spade.

janie threw a spade.

blair threw a spade.

i threw my ace of spades.

we had our one pack.

they didnt bolo us.

janie and i laughed.

amy and blair cried.


and god said "it was good."

then erin and i went to my house after school.

we watched the pacers at toronto.

then i almost made her late for practice.

she called me at about 8:45 later on tonight.

we talked for about half an hour.

then when we hung up, i felt the urge to call erin tamashiro.

we had a nice half an hour talk too.

it was nice talking to her again.

i like erin tamashiro, no wonder we went out.

well, go away now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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