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2001-03-21 - 09:33 p.m.

man, today was an emotional rollercoaster. for real kine this time.

okay... now that i think of it, not really... it was just mostly down with an up at the end.

but anyway... yeah... i got all pissy at everyone in the rotc room cause they were all fuckin' with me and the cadet challenge scores, so i just said fuck it, if you wanna check your damn scores, go check it. dont fuckin bother me with it already.

and then in math class, i got pissed off at erin so i wasn't talking to her all day.

if you want to know why, ask me in person or something. doubt anyone will.

hmm... yeah... at lunch, deyson could tell i was stressin. he just looked at me and saw it. i guess it shows eh?

oh yeah, in peer ed the reverend from shirners didnt have enough babies so i didnt take one. i get to do mine after spring break. so does kristin kato and jason naga's and casey waikiki. speaking of the babies, mr. bachman kicked cory and chris's ones out of class. i was laughing at that. oh, and gar gar didnt know how to take care of brandi's. that was funny.

anyway... uhm... after school i was trying to drown myself in work to keep from thinking about my predicament w/ erin. i'd say it worked out just fine.

hmm. at about 820 erin called me though. she had to appologize. yeah, we were able to work it out in about 20 minutes of conversation. after that, it was almost like old times. we were making fun of eachother by then. ah... good times.

yep, so... how was your day?

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