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2001-03-22 - 09:43 p.m.

man, y'know... i really dont want to go to spring camp anymore. i mean, once i'm there i'll be like, okay, this aint too bad... but the anxiety of it all right now. i could be in the real world with my friends and be chillin and stuff. but nope. i decided to go to freezing schofield barracks for a 6 days. oh, not to mention i gotta live with some of the stupidest fucks i know too. so yeah... oh well... too late now.

oh, i made erin tamashiro a care package for her trip to canada. i dont know where the idea came from, but i hope she likes it. its $5 worth of candy. sour and original skittles, a bag of chex-mix and party mix cheeze-its, starburst, crunchy, almond, and peanut m&m's, and original and taco corn nuts. and there's some notes in there too. i hope she enjoys it. yeah... i'm gonna miss her too.

actually, i'm just gonna miss being here at home. i know that sounds weird, but there's just something about not sharing a shower or a bathroom or bedroom with 11 other guys. and the factor of its a lot warmer here than schofield. oh, not to mention that theres hot water at home too. and that if i get wet, i can always change at home. but, oh well. i guess it'll be fun cause i'm doing all that stuff with my friends. and thats what its all about, having fun.

hmm... yeah... this whole three candidate's for president thing, its really mind boggling. people are salty, friendships are being ruinned, and i'm wondering how i'm going to survive it all. i'm friends with all three candidates, so i dont want to take sides. so i guess i'm neutral and not voting because i cant pick and choose friends, y'know?

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