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2001-03-23 - 10:01 p.m.

well... in about 7 hours, i need to wake up and get ready to go to spring camp. oh god how i dont want to go right now. but i think it'll all pass because i always get like this. i get very apprehensive before doing something major where there are pros and cons to it. and this is one of those situations. but, i figure once i'm there and there's no turning back, then i'll be fine. and comming home will be all the sweeter. but man, i'm gonna miss not being able to fuck 'round with you guys, y'know that?

oh well, the one thing that i really wanted to do wont be able to happen anyway. now, i know some of you are gonna get this the wrong way, so let me say something before i make my true statement. erin tamashiro and i havent done ANYTHING together since before we broke up, and we both recognize that. so, we have stated many a times that we need to get together and do something. anything. just do it like old times. so, yeah. thats what i really wanted to do over the break. i wanted to go out with her and do something fun. but, only as friends. i must make that clear. only as friends. why am i explaining myself in my own diary? oh well... and why i am typing this too? oh well...


now to another erin. well, me and erin tagomori said our good byes already. infact, i even stopped by her grandmothers house this evenening. i had my dad drive me to the house at about 9:30 and i gave her my marshmellow man. y'know the one that i brought with me to school for the health thing? yeah, that one. oh, and she gave me sheldon, her turtle. so, i'm gonna take that with me to spring camp. i dont give a fuck what anyone says man, i'm sleeping with that thing clutched to my chest. and if anyone tries to fuck with it, i'm gonna punch them very hard until they give it back and never touch it again.

oh my god man... i have to complete all my hw on sunday afternoon. i know i'm gonna sleep a hella long time on saturday when i get home, probably till sunday. yeah, it sounds odd, but its happened before. i slept for 24 hours when i came back my first year, and i slept 23 hours the next year. so, yeah. i'll be sleeping for a while. dammit... math and english hw. plus i need to do peer ed paper work. oh, and when i get to school i gotta type up 40 forms for rotc. stupid stupid paper work.

okay, well... man, i hope y'all have a great spring break. most of you worked hard, so those of you who did, you go and party hard. and those of you who didnt work hard (oki, i'm looking in your direction), go bust your ass and start working so you can grad h.s. oh, but do that after spring break. go and party hard too. adios y'all.

Previously on - Currentlier

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