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2001-03-29 - 6:57 p.m.

its great to be home mother fuckers!

man, oh man, is it great to be mother fucking home!

after living in the boonies for a good 6 days, 5 nights, countless hours of missing sleep, an unimaginable amount of tiredness and hungerness, a sore throat, and having to be with some really stupid fucks while doing P.T. (physical training) and working with them at the same time, it is so great to be home.

oh, not to mention i had to share showers, toilets, urinals, and sleeping quarters with people i do and do not know. and i didnt get a chance to brush my teeth sometimes. that was just disgusting.

but the up part? i got to take numerous showers/ sink baths.

i rather enjoy being clean and warm.

oh the stories i have... but i cant just remember them, i need something to spark the memory.

at spring camp, i had to watch gabriel cote. man, that was a challenge. he wanted to go home all the time, he asked too many questions, he couldnt tie his own damn boot laces either. but, everyone was very impressed at how well i conducted myself at spring camp. he even introduced me to his parents when they came to pick him up. i felt a little honored by him. he made me feel like i was now important to him. wow, one person i am important to.

oh, not to mention, people were impressed at how i didnt kill ake at the camp. i did pull him aside a few times to bitch him out. it almost worked too. infact, the last few times i did it, it didn work. one i did very tactfully. i used a low calm voice, i even appoligized for calling him a dumb ass. but, the last two times i bitched him out, it looked like he was about to cry. i was hoping he would to prove to him that if he wants to play fuck-around, then i can play fuck-around with the best of them. aint no one gonna be able to beat me at that game. man, those last two times i bitched him out, i scared him shitless. i made him stand at parade rest while i bitched him out about how he isnt a leader, he should stop trying to be a damn leader, about how i can tell him what to do because i am a leader, about how he shouldnt tell anyone what to do because he isnt a leader, and not to tell anyone what to do because he isnt a leader and he wasnt doing it himself. man, if he does that shit in school, his ass is mine. i am gonna smoke him so baddly his ass hole will pucker up so baddly he wont be able to shit anymore.

i rather enjoy smoking ake.

man, i missed erin though.

i also lost my voice sorta and i think i'm sick now.

but the weather was great. it wasnt really cold, just wahiawa cold. and it rained heavily only once.

well, i'm gonna go out and eat frickin like like drive inn dinner. i'm gonna order the frickin' fried rice and a nice cold drink. i'm gonna eat till i fall asleep right there man.

adios, i'll write more later.

Previously on - Currentlier

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