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2001-03-31 - 1:10 a.m.

man... i thought i would sleep more, but i slept for only 8� hours. thats it. hardly anymore than i normally do. i slept at 10 and woke up about 6:30. thats it. shit...

and then i went to do a damn parking detail at hickam air force base for a roosevelt athletics golf tournement.

that was stupid. but it was good in a sense. major kimura treated me, tiffany, deyson, my dad and his family to lunch at sea breeze. its a restaurant on base. it was pretty cool. oh, plus theres a tunnel on the hickam thats underneath the bridge for the aircraft to go over to get to the coral reef runway. i guess if you're lucky you can drive under it as a plane is going over. that'd be pretty damn cool if you ask me.

after that i met erin and we walked to manoa market place and she ate lunch at subway and then went shopping at morning glory, then we walked back to my place to use the bathroom and get a ride from my dad to her grandmas house.

that was the last thing i did till about 930. then i went out with dae won, dennis and steve. we were looking for something to do so we called up janie and went looking for her. but we couldnt find her house for like 40 minutes. after we finally found her we went to aloha pool and saw brandon. but he was just leaving anyway so yeah. then kim and jenna made their way to aloha and they played photo hunt while me and janie got our asses whooped at pool by steve and dae won. oh well... and just as we were gonna leave we started to play that deer hunting game. i'm not really good at it cause the damn gun shoots high and to the right... not good for me cause i can do instinctive shooting pretty well, but not with a broken gun. i'll shoot at where it should be, not where i have to off aim at. oh well...

and that was my day.

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