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2001-04-1 - 2:52 a.m.

i had fun today. i was hardly home i think. i cant really remember actually. i know i went out and hardly came home though.

at about 1230 dae won picked me up and took me, oki, dennis and steve to kailua beach for jenna's beach thing. man, that was a trip!

at the beach we were playing stick. and well, dae won threw me the ball and we were facing eachother. so i was like, okay... i can take him, and i guess he was thinking the same cause we began to run towards eachother. boom! i'm on the ground thinking "oh shit! my balls! he knee'd my fucking balls! argh!!!" i was sore for the next 10 minutes. i couldnt move for the first 6. it was painful.

but i recovered and then we went back to playing stick, only this time not so head on. we were also throwing 'round a $3.50 frisbee. i got cut pretty bad by that thing. oh well, i'm still alive and i can still type. i'll be fine.

after that dae won dropped me and oki off at mckinely to go watch the girls b-ball game. roosevelt lost both games. it was an off night for roosevelt vars. and the jv just wasnt doing it either. the jv sucks actually. they dont play right. i blame it on the coach. so does oki. and erin. heh, no one likes her.

and after the games i went home only to be picked up by jenna to go play pool at 10 PM.

we went to aloha pool and stayed there till about 1 something. then we went outside and saw a bunch of black chicks bitching at eachother. i was kinda hoping they'd scrap so i could see something. but they just talked and screamed and yelled... oh well.

then we went to 7-11 and talked for a long time. a cop came by too. that was the most eventful part cause i thought he was gonna ask for ID and stuff, but he just said to keep it down. oh, and a guy in the back seat of an explorer was yelling at us about something about a 3-4 inch dick. i dont know. i was all confused. oh yeah, he also called dennis a niggah. i found that ammusing.

okay, well, i'm getting tired now so i'm gonna sack out. g'nite y'all.

Previously on - Currentlier

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