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2001-04-01 - 10:40 p.m.

well, today? today was rather uneventful.

as has been the norm for the past few days, i woke up sick, once again.

but lets see today? i went to an art exhibit. that really blew. i slept at it to say the least. it was at UH and it featured all of four paintings. rather large ones, but still... i dont know what people were looking at. the guy looked like he drew some inspiration from tagging artists, but thats really all i recognized in it. and he just looked at me funny when i complemented him. i said "thats some tite shit, man." and it was in a very commentative tone too, but he just looked at me so i just walked on. "fuck you bastard... mommy didnt teach you how to say thank you? go fuck yourself."

oh, and my mom intro'd me to someone i havent seen since jurasic park the movie came out. i told her i didnt recognize her. i'm sick and i was tired, i didnt really care whos feelings i hurt.

speaking of hurt feelings, i think erin's all hurt because i talk about other girls to her. oh well. if she cant deal w/ me having friends, then t.s. for her.

man, i hate being sick. its a real pain in the ass. not to mention its kinda damn warm!

okay, i go now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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