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2001-04-08 - 10:14 p.m.

today was finally sunday. but tomorrows gonna feel kinda like sunday too i think. its definately not gonna feel like a monday. i know that much. i dont know why, maybe it'll feel like a saturday. yeah that sounds more realistic, but definately not like a monday.

well, today i went out w/ dane. it was our first date. (just a note, to anyone who doesnt know either of us, neither dane nor i are homosexual. we are both flaming heterosexuals and i like being heterosexual. so much so that i do believe i will continue to be a heterosexual as long as i live). we went to ala moana and then after driving through the parking lot went to ward warehouse to go to spencers before it closed. after that we went to kahala mall tower because dane wanted to go to a towers that had parking, unlike the one on keeamoku st. so yeah, after we went there and were looking at the sound equipment there and me purchasing a CD (mix master mike- anti-theft device), we went to jamba juice and driving down kahala ave. looking at the damn mansions. we found one that really caught our eye. the fuckin thing is like three damn gates thick. its fuckin' gigantic! you gotta see this shit man. un real. and then he took me home. his cammry aint too bad i guess. but i still like accords better.

and that was my day. so, how be yours?

Previously on - Currentlier

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