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2001-04-10 - 12:03 a.m.

i was wrong. today felt like a monday. i guess it couldnt have felt like a sunday because i didnt wake up to a nascar race and the smell of food. i woke up to an empty house and an empty stomach but a full bladder.

pretty, aint it?

an well... lets see... then i proceeded to watch TV instead of eating, so i was still hungry. and then erin called me. and then my phone died. so i called her back on the corded phone and proceeded to watch TV. i love TV. it saves my sanity while at home. erin and i ended up talking for the next oh, say... 5 hours. yep. a whole 5 hours of talking to erin. that was pretty much my day. watching TV and talking to erin.

around 5:00, jenna called me and said that there was going to be a water ballon fight. so ofcourse i agreed to go. i havent done one of those since the 5th grade, and when i did do it, some lady got angry at us cause she walked right into it and got wet. stupid fat lady. good for her. then we got bitched out by her buildings manager. but luckily for us, jevon's half sister went and bitched that dude out. so we won in the end. ha!

so yeah, at about 715 oki's mom picked me up, and sheri was in the car too, and we went to manoa market place to meet jenna, kim, kerin, emily, dennis, and dae won. after that we went down to manoa park. but it was raining and the rain was cold so we decided to do something else. we ended up going to ala moana beach. again.

once at ala moana beach, kim, sheri, and emily went to go get food, so then it was oki, jenna, sheri, kerin, dennis, dae won, and myself left. then dae won's car alarm remote broke. so he tried to fix it himself, occasionally making the alarm go off, but it didnt work, so he called his sister and went to go pick up the other set of keys from his sister. jenna drove dennis and dae won to go pick it up. so that left, me, oki and kerin. me and oki were causing trouble to her. but, then again, would we be us if we didnt?

when everyone finally made it back to ala moana, people ate. after that dae won was flipping everyone and trying to make people wrestle. that didnt really work. we eventually got people on to the sand and after some fighting w/ them got them to fight back. but it wasn't really what we wanted. sheri though, she can be vicious. but not as vicious as dennis. he almost knocked out one of my front teeth. we were about to wrestle and he charged and i charged back and he raised his shoulder and BOOM! it hit me right in the mouth. man, i went down like a brick. it wasn't really sore, more like numb. its still kinda numb. only i feel pain little bit. nah, but its a good pain. not like the sharp piercing pain. kinda a dull lasting pain. not too bad. well, it might be because i took some ibprofun too. oh well, we'll find out when i wake up tomorrow. but the cuts on my lips are a little sore...

oh, and as jenna was dropping me off, i was holding my coffee frapuchino in my right hand and my bag and gore-tex jacket in the other. i was closing the door w/ my right hand and then the coffee cover (which i was holding it by) slipped off and landed right in the middle of the door and the car. it got slammed shut. would you believe it? it blew my mind and sheri and jenna and oki started to crack up uncontrolably. it was a sight to see.

and well, yeah. that was my day.

oh, i'm happy. i'm finally gonna get to see erin tomorrow. its about damn time. and this time we dont need to sneak out or anything. aint life great?

oh, i've also come to the conclussion that sheri is bad luck for me. the last time she was around was at oki's house, and bad shit happened there. i ran into and broke a table and i got my head shaved. this time i got smacked in the teeth and my coffee got smashed. sheri is bad luck for me.

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