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2001-04-12 - 12:16 a.m.

man, today was a trip. i woke up at 9 cause i had to piss REALLY baddly. and then after that i felt too good to go to sleep. so i was up at 9 when i intended not to wake up till at least 10. so, that kinda sucked.

and then at 11 i had to go to roosevelt to drop off mochi at the picket line, we did so because we support the stirke. ah hell, i dont know enough to support either side of the argument. i dont know what the states revenue is and what arguments gov. cayetano heard so i cannot make an educated decission on where i stand.

after that my mom took me to times and i got a bento. happy was i.

and then i went home and ate it and knocked out.

but i woke up in time for batman beyond and pokemon.

today was a good episode of pokemon. it was the first one i'd ever seen. it was almost entirely pokemon dialoge. that was just dope.

and then oki came over and we were talking to people online trying to get them to go to his house so sheri would go too. damn that was difficult. it took us about half an hour to just find one other person. it was coryn. shes coo i guess. but she lives in such a damn inaccessible place. i gave mikes mom two wrong turns before we found it. stupid damn house. but we made it there... after a while.

well, we made it there and then we went to blockbuster and got next friday and gone in 60 seconds. then we went to okis house and watched next friday. and then we ate. and then we ate and watched next friday. and then, after next firday was done and we had finished eating and had started gone in 60 seconds, sheri finally came over. she brought cookies! and then we had this competition to find the fruits on the back of the box. those that were there will know what i'm talking about. those of you not there? TOO BAD FOR YOU CAUSE YOU DIDNT WANT TO COME!


and then we watched gone in 60 seconds and we almost finished it, but my parents. oh well, we saw the good parts. and then we dropped everyone off and i came home and showered (yes, thats right, i showered sheri. made myself nice and clean, unlike someone). and then i came here like the adict i am.

go the fuck away now. there's nothing else to read.

yeah, thats right, i said "fuck." now fuck off.

Previously on - Currentlier

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