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2001-04-13 - 10:25 p.m.

yeah... so today...

lets see... oki woke me up cause we were supposed to plan a party for my house tonight, but no one could go cause they was all going to julie's b-day party. so yeah. happy whatevers julie. you'll get your cracks later. and so we kinda canceled the damn thing.

hmm... after that i slept. and slept. and slept somemore. today was mostly a sleep day.

at 7 i went w/ my parents to ala moana. we went to go return my spidey sticky fingaz shirt. that was sad. they didnt have my size so i just got a refund. i was so sad. it was so cool. spidey on the turn-tables. that shirt was sick.

and yeah. oh but i saw the new Run-DMC CD "Crown Royal" for only $13.99 at house of music. first time i saw something cheap there. i want to get that CD. i just discovered Run-DMC so yeah.

and then i came home and almost forgot to do this. not quite like the adict i am.

Previously on - Currentlier

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