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2001-04-19 - 11:45 p.m.

fahk. i had an entry all typed up and shit, but i hit the wrong button on the side of this stupid thing and it fuckin' deleted. shit.

well, anyway. in the past three days i've gotten about a total of 9 hrs. of sleep. two naps and one 8 hour rest.

this morning i went to the rotc room w/ my dad to hook up some computers. but i left early to go get lunch w/ erin at about 11. so yeah, me and erin tamashiro went to get lunch in manoa cause we had to get something from her grandma's house. so we were eating lunch at subway in manoa market place... and jenna k. and her crew walk in. and jenna's wearing her badass bandana. she be walkin' in all like, "yo, wassup mutha fuckas. you be dissin' me o wat? you betta watch yo'self fo i pop a cap in yo jap ass. bizatch."

and i be all like "oo... you be trippin' bitch. don' be messin' wit me foo. fo i have to cap yo' jap ass you damn yellow ass niggah."

and she be all like "shut yo trap you damn crackah. i take you any day you damn stupid shit..."

and then erin busted in and popped both our asses. she blew my brains right out.

maybe i should write a story for lusk's thing?

and whats her face... sheri says that i'm gonna grow up to talk ebonics.

well, after that we went and picked up the thing and we crashed danes house. dane that queer didnt even know we were stalking him at makiki video before we met up with him until he was leaving. and me and erin were only making so much noise too.

well, anyway, we got there and started to watch the movie but erin had to leave so she went. so it was me, dane, and his cousin, travis. so we watched two shitty movies. pushing tin and get carter. we didnt finish pushing tin, and i fell asleep for about 20 minutes during get carter. after i woke up i left.

yep, that was my day. now i'm watching id4, and i was watching bedazzled with my dad. all on DVD. i love DVD's.

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