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2001-04-23 - 3:07 a.m.

parents suck. yes, they do. well, actually, just mothers. i think most fathers are pretty cool. a lot of them are just like big kids and dont really give a fuck because hell, they were just like the rest of us. but, nope, mothers are insanely martinet when it comes to things. i hope to never become a father because i just know i'll end up marrying a chick who's all anal and shit to the kids and i'll have a dillema on my hands as to what to do. should i not agree with my wife and piss her off? or should i be whipped and piss off my kid? i really wouldn't know what to do because i'd still be a kid myself.

fuck... and they made me do stupid shit today too.

they made me go to brandi kahaloa's stupid fuckin' 18th birthday party. i hate her too. shes one of the stupid people. i hate stupid people. but, it was a good thing i came home at 4 last night because it gave me an excuse to be anti-social. i hated it there. i was the only other fuckin' cadet there, and she invited just about everyone! ha! take that you stupid ugly bitch! i hate her stupidity. it boggles the mind how anyone can be so fuckin' retarded.

after that i went to oki's house a few hours down the road. i like going away from home without my parents. i become free. i rather enjoy being free too. oppression isnt really the environment i thrive in. and parents are a large oppressive path in life. well, anyway, me and jenna kicked ass in pool. not really, the only reason why we won most of our games was because the other team scratched on or the 8-ball. oh well.

and then we went to kim's house. i had fun there. sorta. i d/l the song "lookin' for pussy" on her computer too. i like that song and its cheap porno sounding guitar riffs.

after that we went to taco bell and ate for a while. then we went back to kim's house and just kicked it over there for awhile. actally, it was the rest of my night that i was there. i was just sitting in jenna's car with jenna and dennis making random comments and teaching jenna how to use pressure points against an attacker. i think she'll get the hang of it soon.

but, yeah, that was my night.

until i got home. then i got into a minor fight with my mother over curfew's and shit. shes a dumbass. i rather dont like my mother at times. like this morning i was kinda pissed that i had to go to brandi's party. and then i get in trouble for not being home on time. fuck that. thats it, i'm not going to get married and i'm not going to have kids. i'm just gonna be the cool uncle. y'know, the uncle who isn't really an uncle, but its just what you call them? i'm gonna be the one to tell embarassing stories about their moms or dads. i'm also going to be the one who encourages them to stay out late and do "bad" things like go to pool halls and shit. i'll also be the one to get them alcohol for their parties and shit as long as they dont tell mom and dad, y'know? i'm also going to end up being the guilty party when they charge me with manslaughter when my niece or nephew dies in a car accident while d.u.i.

i'm an evil man. evil evil man.

Previously on - Currentlier

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