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2001-04-26 - 9:47 p.m.

business first. my friend, brian, is capable of getting select imitation oakleys for a much lowered price than real oakleys. these prices can go as low as $10 if i can get approx. 20+ people to purchase. at this moment, i am looking for maybe not 20 people, but at least 5 people or so. before you come to me with an order, make sure you know what frame, what color, and what lens color/style(if style applies). just go to oakley's main page and you can see it all.

okay, with that out of the way. my first day back to school. man, it was okay i guess. i'm not really rushing in any of my classes, so i'm pretty cool right now. my only biggest concern is if i'm gonna pass math. i think i can get an A in english cause i did all 12 essays and that was 100 pts. so, i think i'm kinda set in that course. i'm a little worried about sociology because i got a 10 page term paper due in about three weeks. but oh well. shouldnt be too hard. 14 font, double spaced. it sounds pretty good.

hmm... and me and erin? we're really cool now. its all good with her and me. so i'm really happy about that.

alright, i'll catch y'all laterz.

oh, one more thing before i go. man, you should've seen me and janie kick ass in sociology today. blair and amy were playing trumps against us, but damn... the first game, blair over bid me and she chose the trumps, about none of which we had. i had the ace and that was it. blair had a hand almost entirely trumps. they almost had us smashed, like we would've only had one pack, but blair played her hand wrong and we ended up winning the very last two packs we got. we had our three! we busted them at the last second. would you believe that shit? we sure didnt.

Previously on - Currentlier

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