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2001-04-28 - 12:18 a.m.

sweet... i got another possible purchaser of the factory-seconds oakleys. amy. maybe if she buys, and i can get one more person, i can get the price down to $20. so if you want to buy, come to me now. i need to know by the 6th at the latest and get the money to brian by the 7th or 8th.

well, it was back to school again. i hate school sorta. it interferes with my sleep patern. i hate that. i like to have a set sleep patern. go to sleep late and wake up later. thats how i like it. with school its like, go to sleep now, or later, or sooner, or maybe now. yeah, now seems like a good time. and then, hmm... fuck, i gotta wake up now. i hate that. i like to wake up when i want to. thats so much more convenient for me.

well, lets see... i did the soda drinking contest again today. that was stupid. and then we played a little bit of basketball. i really suck at that sport. speaking of which, i was also watching game 3 of the hornets/heat series. i think the hornets won, but i left the house before i saw the end of it. but according to oki, they won by 20 or so points. i'm happy. the hornets made it to the second round in a damn sweep. thats cool man.

and yeah... that was basically what happend. we went to the park, drank soda, played a little ball, and then we sat around and talked like we always do.

later on this morning i need to wake up at 5:15 to get ready to go to school for summer school registration. shit. i gotta work there, so at least i get to register early. i'm glad. i can get my seat in math class. thats good for me.

well, i'm outta shit to say so i'll catch y'all later.

Previously on - Currentlier

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