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2001-04-28 - 9:41 p.m.

fuck, early mornings suck nuts.

waking up at 515 is really shitty.

i had to wake up that early this morning so ikaika could give me a ride to roosevelt cause we had to help registration for summer school at roosevelt. my job was to tell people to go to the next person to check their registration cards and make sure they got it all right. yeah, so i sat on my ass all day and told people where to go. that was fun. i got to have like 1 minute conversations with people.

after that i went downstairs and was talking to julie and kerin till was time for leave. they're some funny shits. but they also took advantage of me. i offered though, so its my fault. they made me get pizza's, drinks, and napkins for them. but, oh well, anything to please a lady.

oh, and erin's friend allison (sp?) didnt know that erin and i broke up so i was giving her a hard time about that. it was fun. speaking of erin's friends, i also pissed off her best friend raquel. :) she bitched at erin for 45 minutes to me for something that i did in less than 1 minute. i found that funny. so did erin.

anyway... i dont know... fuck, i'm bored. entertain me assholes.

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