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2001-04-29 - 9:51 p.m.

well, i got to wake up late today. i was glad. the first thing i thought when i woke up was "lets go watch some playoff games." yep, basketball is beginning to seep its way back into my life.

today was a triple header on NBC, new york @ toronto, sacrament @ pheonix, and l.a. @ portland. all the away teams won. i woke up at the start of the third quarter in second game, but, it was good. sacramento won. i was happy. i got to see jason williams play. he's my favorite player because he can make some bad ass shit happen. he's an awesome play maker. if you dont know what i'm talking about, then go learn more about basketball.

hmm, i only watched the beginning of the l.a./portland game because it got boring when i knew l.a. was gonna win. it's just not fun when you know the winner half way through the second quarter and there's no one really cool to watch. shaq is just boring. all he does is get in the paint and slam or shoot a short jumper. sure, thats what he's supposed to do, but its boring. oh, and i dont like kobe bryant because he's just stupid.

i also watched part of Cheech and chong's next movie, but i let my parents watch tv, so that was that.

and i also made my lunch for the rest of the week. i cooked and made it. too bad it was only spam musubi. not that impressive anymore is it? yeah, i thought so too.

damn... school tomorrow. i dont want to go to school. fuck. i also need to read more of my book report book. its only 466 pages long. i've only read oh... 99 pages. thats i dont know how many more pages. i dont care to do the math. i hate math, have i ever told you that? probably have. oh well. go away.

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