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2001-04-30 - 10:31 p.m.

okay... well, today was monday. yep, monday.

and i dont really remember shit about today.

hmm... so random rememberances about today...

i think i'm the weak link in any trumps game. today when i was playing with shannon against janie and kavin, and well, we got boloed once and a few times more we just lost. so, i think i'm all that really makes the difference in a game of trumps.

hmm... kim gave me my mixed ass CD today. its got rap, its got rock, its got r & b, its got old school hip hop... its got a little of everything.

hmm... i tried free style battling with ikaika (who was incidentally dressed entirely like eminem in the white shirt and blue denim jeans). we both suck. maybe its because he's white and i'm yellow?

hmm... i really dont know much of anything right now.

you know whats really cool? i got shown to order a pair of the sunglasses through me. so now, all i need is one more guarantee order for the sunglasses. this is gonna be so cool. now all i need to do is get amy to order and sheri to give me her money, and i'm set.

hmm... me and erin, we're like best friends now. its really cool. we talk almost everynight, and we make cracks at eachother like two guys. well, actually, like one guy. she cant really dish it out like i can. but then again, not many people can. ;)

Previously on - Currentlier

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