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2001-05-09 - 9:10 p.m.

i had a few interestings things happen to me today. well, no... scratch that. they weren't really interesting at all.

hmm... i went in for help this morning on my math, and i even got help too. the only shit is that the help i got would've helped me on my math test, only guess what? i had to be pulled out of class to take another test. some weird reading comprehension test. it was a whiz. i finished it first and then went back to my math class with like 20 minutes left to finish my test. i was able to finish it, but only cause i went in after school to finish it. so fuck.

lets see... what else?

i met that doug guy from when i was a freshmen, he was a minor celebrity at roosevelt. he's still fairly well known. he was in our peer ed class. he told us his story. he's a very interesting guy. very big too. really big. i rather like him.

at lunch i was down in the cafeteria for a few minutes and in that time frame, erin tamashiro sorta poked my eye but it was all in good fun. amy stole part of my lunch, i stole part of coryn's lunch, dane and i dissed each other, i dissed sheri while she tried to compliment herself, and i also dissed blair. all in a normal days work. we also had a lunch time meeting. but that's nothing important.

and in physics, i got yelled at by mr. bachman and i also found out i'm getting a 95.2% in that class and scored a 96% in a 25 question test. in other words, one wrong answer. all throughout the section i slept. osmosis works my friends.

after school... i dont know what i did. i think i did something like walk around the rotc room aimlessly because i didnt want to go home. something like that. one good thing came out of it, i got a ride home from ikaika.

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