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2001-05-10 - 10:04 p.m.

i was almost levitated today. in peer ed we were trying this levitation thing. it sorta worked. was pretty bad ass, only thing is i had a headache after a little while. we also almost levitated jason nagamine. was good fun.

i also skipped period 6 to stay in the rotc room and help prep for the awards banquet tomorrow. oh, that and we watched full metal jacket. yeah...

i forget what else.

oh, in peer ed i was pimpin it in the begining too. i always enjoy thinking i'm a pimp. it makes me feel like i'm somebody. i had kaycee teramae on my left, blair on my right, and kristin kato on my knee. yeah, i felt all bad ass.

what else?

i also got a hair cut, but that's not really important. only thing is, its a real hair cut, not one of my ghetto haircuts where i do it myself or let someone else do it for me.

oh, and i went to the girls b-ball game today. kahuku's players are all bigger than roosevelts jv team. they were like, fucking dwarfing the roosevelt team. the vars was more matched, but the jv team was dwarfed. but both jv and vars won, so it's not too bad. and damn... ashley dutro is frickin good. jodi too. i wonder if the vars is gonna make it into the playoffs?

speaking of playoffs, i missed both games today. i'm small kine p.o. all i know right now is that charlotte beat the bucks. so thats good. i still dont know about the sacrament-LA game though. i really wonder about that. i hope sacramento won.

k, i'm outta here.

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