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2001-05-18 - 9:25 p.m.

i got my glasses today. stupid damn things are too big for my head. but oh-fucking-well... thats what i get for $20. i also might buy an old pair of metal c-wires off of brian and a watch. sounds good to me. and sheri wanted to re-order her glasses, so theres something else. i am a business man.

i'm also pretty good at getting people to give money. i sorta know who to ask and how to get money out of them. you have to appeal to their giving side. i'm probably not helping myself right now, but oh well.

i went for a walk today. it was interesting. as i was walking, i saw lehua, so i stopped and i went to makiki inn and subway with her so she could pickup food, and then i walked with her to roosevelt. then from roosevelt i went to stevenson to look for erin, but she had just left. so i called her grandmas house and i walked to booth park and we hung-out till 530. then i walked home. it took me half an hour. i've done a lot of walking today.

i also have to get up in oh... 7 hours. dae won's going to pick me up so we can go to the charity fun walk (the thing i asked for donations for) at 5 and register. dae won wants to run it, at least part of it anyway. so yeah... i gotta run tomorrow. oooooh fun.

and then i get to go to aiea's band concert. they're not as ghetto as roosevelt though, at least its on their own damn campus. stupid ghetto roosevelt.

fuck man... i'm gonna be so wasted tomorrow. yippie-kay-fucking-yay.

and shit, i'm pretty sure i failed my parts of speech test, or as ms. lusk calls it the p.o.s. test. i agree.

i've also noticed that my weakness towards girls is particularly towards pretty girls. like kristin kato, i know that i probably shouldn't be telling her what to study, but shes so cute that i cant help it. so, oh well... i'll just go through life being manipulated by pretty girls/women and being suckered for ever last dollar i have until she leaves me with nothing.

Previously on - Currentlier

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