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2001-06-26 - 9:13 p.m.

i realized something last night: if either one of the three girls whom i profiled last night were to read my diary, then the possibility of them being pissed off at me would be high. how would they find out about my diary seeing as how i haven't told any of the about it? easy, they type my name into a search engine and look for me. how do i know it would work? simple. i've done it before. thats how egotistical i am. i look for myself on the internet. but yeah, getting back to the original subject matter. they might be pissed at them seeing as how i made general assumptions of them after knowing them for two weeks. especiall sara seeing as how i said she has an inferiority complex and kim for saying that she has "secrets" hidden in the deepest part of her.

but, hey. i can always claim that it's my diary and i can write whatever the fuck i want to in here.

not like it'll matter to them either way...

but, anyhow... i finally got a hair cut today. and i have no money anymore. i've got $5 now. and i still need to get my daily soda and have money for a movie sometime this weekend. damn... being poor sucks.

i walked home with whitney today. we talked about a lot of things. we started off talking about teeth. then we got into how i dont like mr. oshima. then we proceeded to talk about how we dont want to be lawyers. and then we transitioned into what pisses her off (or used to). and between all of these, there were smooth transitions. pretty cool.

and i found a copy of a book that i read in elementary. i just had to pick it up. Bridge to Terabithia. man, reading it again... it brings back memories. i still remembered things about it too. it blew my mind that i could remember stuff about it. it was so cool.

okay, peace out y'all.

Previously on - Currentlier

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