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2001-06-27 - 9:43 p.m.

i read a bridge to terabithia last night. i couldn't sleep so i finshed it. man...

and i was fuckin' tired today. i sleep for the most part in class. but i always am able to awaken for the tests and what not, and i always remember the homework amazingly too. its weird... freaky even!

that sounded like a stupid teenage girl thing.

did i ever tell you of my total disgust with stupididty? i assume you gathered it from my page name, but lets discuss it anyway. yes, yes, i'm sure i've discussed this before, but stupidty hurts. especially coming from chicks. why do chicks have to be so stupid sometimes? especially if they're hot. is being stupid a prerequisite for being hot for more than 85% of the females out there? why? why why why? and then, the half-way decent 15% are smart enough to not be attracted to me. whats up with that man?

but, speaking of the other 15%...

there's two girls in my drivers ed class. i dont know if i mentioned this previously, but right now i dont particularly care. anyway, two punahou chicks are in my drivers ed class, and they're hot. and the really hot one that's really got my attention, we both agree on not banning cell phone use in cars. sure, that means absolutly nothing, just that we agree on one thing, but hey. i have nothing else to grasp on to. but, she argued that using a cell in a car is a right and it should not be taken away. and, then, she also argued that if the arguement that it's a distraction were used, then so are many other things in the car and those too should be removed. i myself would not use the second argument of hers because it could lead to the removal of the radio too. but, more power to her to argue. however my arguements were more rooted in realtiy. i stated that using a cell phone is a calculated risk on the part of the user as well. therefore it is equally dangerous to the user and they obviously know this. they risk losing as much as the next person by engaging in this inherently dangerous act, but they accept the risk, so they must accept the consequences should it come to that. and the fact that one hand is being otherwise occupied by holding the cell phone, leaving only one hand for the wheel. it is much like a standard car with one hand on the gears and the other on the wheel. i think my arguements would hold up better, but it doesn't hurt to have back up. oh, reason why i'm stating all of this (besides the fact that i got to talk about the hot punahou girl) is because i got applause too and i half-way convinced ms. maltere who i assume is against cell phone use in cars. i should be a politician. then maybe i'll get interns?

y'know, i think i'm beginning to suffer from a VERY sever case of blue balls. i really really need to get laid. i mean it. i need an FTF god dammit. not that i'm insinuating anything...

PUNAHOU GIRL! (i actually know her first name, but it just isn't as catch as "punahou girl")

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