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2001-06-28 - 9:06 p.m.

instead of pentagon "think tanks" they should just put a bunch of guys on the john and in the shower and tell them to think of ideas about stuff they want thought about. i've found that i do a lot of thinking while sitting on the crapper and showering. i mean, you can come up with some pretty bizzare stuff while you're taking a shit. and thats kinda the stuff they like too. like the shit that nobody will ever think about, y'know? and they dont know how much money they'll be saving too!

another thing that crossed my mind while i was in the shower tonight. a "pinky promise" is just as sacred as swearing an oath in court. it's the same principle, you're holding yourself to a promise to someone else on sacred ground. pretty neat, eh? if i go to court, i'm gonna make my lawer "pinky promise" that he's gonna win the case. and if he loses, i'm gonna sue him on the grounds that he pinky promised me that he'd win. i'll probably be laughed out of the state.

and i also was thinking what gives people their distinct handwriting styles? what makes some people's handwriting so bad that you cant read it, while a lot of girls have legible handwriting? i was just wondering if its genetic, or if it has something to do with the handwrting samples you're exposed to as a child, or something like that?

oh, and i won another thing off the top of those pepsi co. bottles. the odds were 1:4. i won one in 1:3! i beat the odds! but what's really peculiar to me is the next highest winner is 1:10,123. thats kinda a big jump no? from 1:4 to 1:10,123?

oh, and Punahou Girl helped me out today in class. ms. maltere was asking the class questions, and as she called my name, i sat there thinking "oh god. shes gonna ask me a question and i'm not gonna interpret it right. then i'll look like a dumbass. shit, i know its gonna happen..." and it did. she asked me something about the effects of alcohol on the body, so i interpreted it as meaning, how does alcohol affect you. but what she had meant was how does your bodys condition affect the consumation of alcohol. she had a hard time asking the question too so, that provides some consolation, albeit very little. but anyhow, Punahou Girl, jumped in to provide clarification to me as to what the question meant. thanks Punahou Girl. ;-)

i doubt i'll ever really talk to her.


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