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2001-06-30 - 1:31 a.m.

howzit goin' y'all?

well, kim and mike just left my house about half-an-hour ago. they were here watching stanley kubrick movies. i like stanley kubrick. i wish he weren't dead. anyhow, we watched dr. strangelove and full metal jacket. t'was a good night i'd say. anytime where you get to watch stanley kubrick is a good time.

nothing really happens in school anymore. not that anything really happens anyway.

but, once again, drivers ed is where all the action is. i think i'll take some time out from talking about Punahou Girl to talk about some of the other girls in my drivers ed class. there's this one girl, her name is erin (no attraction). i've noticed shes got un-even boobs. its like, her left tit is either higher or bigger. i cant quite tell, but they are lop-sided. why am i looking? 'cause shes got big hooters man. i mean, these are like melons yo. they're BIG. but not too big to the point where you wonder how anyone can move with those suckers, y'know? and there's this girl from kamehameha. she's a real snotty bitch. i get the distinct impression she doesn't like the way i look. but, oh well. and then there's her friend, crystal. i dont think she likes me either. but, hey. as long as the punahou girls dont dislike me, it's all good man.

speaking of the punahou girls (yet again), today, the cute one-- the Punahou Girl-- i winked at her, and she started to giggle and turned to her friend to talk to her. i'm not sure if she looked back because i was afraid to know if she was laughing at me, or giggle to me. y'know? i figure i should grow some balls seeing as how we end classes in about a week or two. maybe i'll even make an off-hand remark to her? but oh god she's hot... and her friend is tall. just thought i'd point that out.

not that any of you care...


Previously on - Currentlier

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