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2001-06-30 - 9:01 p.m.

i ask people questions. not because i want to know their reply. i pretty much ask them knowing the reply before hand. then why do i do it? i do it to get people to think. i ask people questions to get them thinking about the topic i asked. i dont ask that they ever bring it up to me again, i just want them to look within themselves and start to think about the question and come up with their own conclussions after giving it some thought.

and i also do things to provoke others. like this week, i borrowed a book from the library about marxism. i borrowed it for two reasons: 1- to actually learn about marxism and 2- to see other peoples reactions. i've already seen my math teacher give me odd looks while reading it, and i'm waiting to see what Punahou Girl will do if she sees me reading it. why do i do this? maybe it goes with the first paragraph? to possibly get them thinking about those types of things too. or, maybe i just like seeing how people react because sometimes it can be so damn funny?

today, i went to my optomitrist for my annual check up. on the way there i noticed something about the majority of european cars. they have the fuel acceptor on the right side of cars. where as asian and american cars are normally on the left side. while this isnt the way it goes on all cars, it is the marjority. why i notice these things? i haven't a clue.

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