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2001-07-01 - 10:00 p.m.

i saw the fast and the furious again. this time i went with sheri and jenn iwai. it was interesting to say the least, what with sheri asking me questions throughout the movie. but, hey. its all good yo. i mean, i did get to see it again. and i did want to see it again. so yeah. t'was a good time today.

i also found out that D-12's album is $17 at sam goody. i want it.

and guess what i've been doing since i came home from the movie. i've been looking at cars all night trying to figure stuff out about them. so far i've learned absolutly nothing.

so, all in all, i've had an interesting day!

no, not really. who gives a fuck?

oh, and to mr. wago. thanks for the heads up. i think i'll go look for a "communist manifesto for beginners" or something like that. but i think i'll leave mein kampf on the book shelf. mein kampf... if you yell that loud and fast enough, it almost sounds like a weird sneeze.

oh, speaking of hitler, i was watching WWII cartoons. they're pretty funny how they "support the war effort." if you see the special on cartoon network, just watch it for a while, its a look at back in the days.

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