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2001-07-03 - 9:55 p.m.

i hate myself. i cant talk to girls. y'know how baddly that sucks?

i really wish i could talk to girls. not girls i know, but girls i dont know is where all the trouble is. i was supposed to ask Punahou Girl if she watned to go to the beach tomorrow w/ jenna guys, but, i couldn't force myself to give her the note i wrote. and the stupid bitch walks out of class REALLY fast every day, so it makes it even harder. like i was walking out the door and i couldnt even see her or her friend anymore. thats how fast those stupid X-country people move.

but other than that. today's been fun. i woke up in time for school cause my mom called me from work to wake me up. so it was good. i got to school on time plus i got my SLS package. it has a class photo and all the stuff. i found out that i had the highest flight drill score for my platoon. 49/50. i even beat felipe who was THE best for our platoon. i feel an ego trip coming on...

well, i'm going to go now. peace out y'all.

Previously on - Currentlier

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