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2001-07-04 - 11:03 p.m.

the fourth of july:

man, today was warm. yeah, even though all i did was sit in the shade of the fly for the most part. i did go out in the sun for oh... about 15 minutes to throw a football with dae won and emily. but, like i said, for the most part, all i did was sit under a tarp.

but it was fun. i did all sorts of things like i can sorta do that thing where you spin the basketball around your arms and chest. but nothing truly constructive.

and towards the end of daylight, me, dennis, dae won, sam, jenna, and sheri were all playing kemps. it was fun. especially if you play the way me and dennis play. we make it entirely obvious that we have trumps. i call it shock value. it works mighty fine too. we won at least three or four games that way. the secret to is to do something like drop your hand and yell "dennis! say kemps!" and the other team is too shocked to say anything while your partner a little bit more ready for it is able to say "kemps" before the opposing team can say "stop kemps." like i said, it works mighty fine.

and well, after that we all sat around, making jokes about the stupidest of shit (as usual). and we waited for the fireworks display. and we waited more. and we waited more.


and it went on for 10 minutes.

and then it stoped.

and we were all in shock.

and then it started again... 10 minutes later.

and it went on for 5 minutes.

and then it stoped, again.

and we were all still in shock.

and we sat in shock and disbelief for another 20 minutes.

and then it started again.

and it went on for a final 13 minutes.

and we were happy.

then we disbanded.

it was pretty good overall though. and i had fun sitting in kim's car trying to debate how to leave ala moana with sheri, kerin, and kim. we decided upon going out the smart way. the way hardly anyone else took, so we weren't stuck in traffic, which was good might i add. and then i came home, and now i prepare to sleep. good night ladies.

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