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2001-07-05 - 9:41 p.m.

i forgot to write about this last night, so i'll do it now.

i'm really protective about my hair now. so protective that i had a nightmare about losing it. yep, i was reading about NOS the other night, and it some how dominated my dreams that night too, well, anyway, i guess i had overpressurized the rows of NOS in my dreams and they began to become dangerously overpressurized to the point of exploding, and so they did explode. and they blew up a bunch of stuff they probably shouldn't have. and as my punishment, they shaved my head. i was so scared i woke up and i brushed my hand through my hair, and when i realized it was still there, i fell asleep with a sigh of relief.

just thought i'd put that up for the one or two people on this earth that i haven't told.

but, anyway, moving on...

last night, i dreamt about Punahou Girl. yep, it was a good dream. we talked about cars and guns. she became the girl of my dreams (probably because she was the girl IN my dreams). but yeah, we were talking about cars and guns and woke up happy. and then my bubble burst today. i've come to the realization that she probably likes micah nauro. i dont harbor any resentment towards him. he is a lot better than i am. first off, he's buff. second, he looks better than i do (ooh, tough one!), and third, he's funny as hell. so, yeah. i know when i'm beat.

i hate being beat. it means i'm a loser. oh well.

ah, and yes. there's this girl in my geometry class. i swear to god her stupidity is litterally painful. i mean it. i actually had a headache from listening to her. i sat there rubbing my head, wishing i could tell her to shut her damn mouth. but, i thought better of it and bit my lip. and her friend is this guy lance. he makes the most annoying sounds in class. i want to tell him to shut up too, but i realize it would do me no good. so i bite my lip towards him too. this is why i hate stupid people. but yet, this is the story of my life. surrounded by stupidity.

makes you wonder why you live doesnt it?

Previously on - Currentlier

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