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2001-07-06 - 9:46 p.m.

two people asked me if i was high today. in a period of 90 seconds. i found that slightly amusing.

but, you know why they asked if was high? because i "sound kinda happy for a person who didnt get a phone call you were expecting..." ah, but i explain it like this: i didnt get a phone call i was expecting because i was never expecting it in the first place. if i had expected it, i would just be setting myself up for an inevitable crushing feeling when i didnt get it. so therefore, i was never expecting it. i was rather, hoping for the phone call which did not come.

"but what are you talking about?!? what is this phone call you speak of?!?" you ask? well, y'all know about Punahou Girl as i've spoken oh so much about her in the past three weeks or so. well, today, i finally made A move. i gave her a note saying "if you're bored and feel like talking to a complete stranger, call me (ryan) at: 533-4933. P.S. call at your own risk. P.P.S. my friend wants to know if you know a Kelly Shishido." that was the note. and so, yeah. i gave it to her... and then walked away. briskly. like i was scared. but hey, it got to her. my parts done. now, we'll see if she calls. and if not, i only have to see her one more day guarantee. i'll make sure to tell you all what comes about come monday.

ah, but now we backtrack in time to class time during summer school. lauryn chin is in my geom. class now. so i was talking to her in class while waiting for mr. riley to return to class so i could get some help. and then dong, he's funny, he asks if lauryn's my girlfriend. and then he asked if i was going after her, and he said i should cause shes cute. i just started to laugh, and then he said maybe he'd go after her. i just laughed and told him he's the man. when i told lauryn that, she seemed kinda repulsed. i laughed somemore. and then later in class, dong asked what grade she was in, which i told him, and he said nah, he'd back away. so hey, it all worked out in the end. i just thought that it was kinda amusing.

man, my life really does revolve around girls doesn't it? i dont know if i should be depressed or not that females rule my life. oh well... leader of men, follower of women.

Previously on - Currentlier

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