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2001-07-07 - 9:37 p.m.

y'know, being a guy isn't as cut out as it people say it is. but, i've experienced what a girl goes through too. the waiting for a phone call that doesn't come. i cant say it's much fun either. i'm guilty of being that jerk on the other end of the phone line who doesnt call, so maybe this is all batchi. have i learned my lesson? maybe. maybe not. i dont know, i'll let time tell. but i must say, it isnt fun.

well, with that out of the way. my dad cut my hair today. not the greatest. he didnt really listen to me when i told him to use the #2 to blend it in, but oh fucking well. not like i'm out to please anyone with my hair cut.

and god is it hot. i really hate this wheather.

i wonder if i can really type an entire entry with out looking at the screen? that would be pretty amazing and somewhat scarry that i've achieved this kind of proficency with a key board.

well, i dont think i'm really going to try it. maybe for my own personal knowledge, but not for your enjoyment. why you'd be enjoying it is beyond me. if you do enjoy seeing it, then you probably need a life.

okay. i think i'm leaving now. peace.

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