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2001-07-26 - 11:50 p.m.

i actually woke up after 830 today for once. i felt good for once. and then i bummed around the house for the next few hours. but i did do something productive. i cooked myself lunch. spam musubis for me.

later on dennis, dae won, and jenna came- my risk crew. we played for a few hours and then jenna went to her aunty's house so the three of us played one game then watched TV and ate dinner from makiki inn. then jenna returned and it was like every other night of risk. one games annimosity carried into the next. jenna wants to impose a one game limit per night to prevent annimosities from carrying over to the next game. kinda like me. dennis killed me in one game and so the next game i said "fuck my mission" and i went after dennis with 8 cannon's and i was still gaining when dae won completed his mission and won the game. i was scaring dennis like shit. it was cool. i didnt feel like a loser when i lost that game cause i helped someone win, so it was all good.

but, y'know what was the coolest thing that happened tonight? amy called me. that was really unexpected, and i like the unexpected. the unexpected really suprises one. duh...

but anyway... my brain is sore.

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