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2001-07-28 - 9:48 p.m.

i didnt go driving this morning, i woke up but when i was awake, my dad wasn't. and when he was awake, i wasn't. so it didnt work out.

instead i went driving in the late afternoon at UH manoa. i was scared. so was my dad. at first i had trouble staying in my lane on those weird back-roads that UH has. and i also have trouble taking turns consistantly. i'll speed into some or take some too slowly. i hate driving with my dad. he's a good teacher, but he expects too much from me after an hour and a half of driving. driving sucks all together.

dammit, i hate being home. it sucks ass. especially when there's nothing to do at home either. no video game systems. shitty computer with a good modem just taunting me. and reading gets boring after a while if you're not at a good part. and i can only read about cars for so long before my ineptitude for understanding car speak catches up with me. i hate this monotony of home life.

and the internet sucks now. it's not so full of new and different things to see and do. its just the same old shit that was here last month.

and tv... theres nothing really interesting to watch on the tube anymore either. this is summer, its re-runs up the ass. life sucks when i'm stuck here.

save me from myself.

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