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2001-07-29 - 11:38 p.m.

last night, i ate my dinner at about midnight, maybe even later. and i woke up this morning at about 10 and ate breakfast at 12 noon. i think my schedule is kinda off, what do you think? i cant remember if i ate lunch today...

but more interestingly to me, i went driving again today. i now have 4� hours of driving under my belt. and my dad trusted me even more today. he took me back to UH this afternoon and he let me have free reign while driving. although i still have problems with traffic at stops, i can handle myself pretty well i'd say. for someone scared to drive at least. hell, he even told me to go on the road today. the REAL road. like the type with stoplights and traffic and pedestrians and what not. but the biggest part of it all was that i got to go above 20 mph. i went so far as to hit 30 mph. whoa! big man! nah, i was scared to go that fast in traffic. and at one point a lexus was driving behind me and i was afraid that it was gonna hit me and that it'd be my fault and that would suck. oh, plus in traffic, its hard to drive a damn civic uphill. stupid thing has no power. but it turns pretty well. and i still need to work on my reversing. i keep turning the wheel the wrong way and i have to stop and turn it the other way... it just sucks. i hate driving still. emily can sympathize with me.

how do i know this?

because she told me tonight while she was at my house.

kim, cindy, emily, and the risk crew minus dae won came over tonight. emily brought her PS2 also. so after i got killed in risk, i played GT3 the rest of the night. i love that game. it makes me want to buy a PS2 just for that game alone. i'm serious... i would spend $330 on a PS2 if i could to get that game. but then i might never leave my house... oh well, its worth it.

okay, well, hopefully i'll be able to drive again soon. only 45� hours left to go... and another 2 months and one week before i can get my license. provided i pass drivers ed and my drivers test on the first try.

Previously on - Currentlier

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