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2001-07-30 - 10:34 p.m.

people are pressuring me to take senior photos. i really dont care too much about it. i mean, i'm gonna be in the rotc and student gov and air riflery pic pretty much set. i dont know... fuck i hate calling places and people. i mean i hate it with a passion. the phone just isn't my weapon of choice. shit i still gotta sign up for my SAT's too. i hate signing up for shit. every thing sucks.

oh man am i gonna hate the real world.

i'm trying to convince my parents to buy me a used '94 civic. its exactly like my moms. well, maybe not a '94, but a civic because they're pretty much cheap but reliable. but i'd go for a ford focus. even though they cost quite a bit used. speaking of used cars, me and trevor saw an RX-7 for only $3,000. he's gonna go check it out cause he's hunting for a used car. if its for real, and he gets it, chris ota, your car sucks compared to trevor's!

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