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2001-08-01 - 12:46 a.m.

i played risk again. its been three days or so. its about time.

i also went to the rotc room. i originally went there to get permission to borrow sergeants tents, but i manaaged to stay there for a while. i ended up playing matts gameboy advance and gran turismo. for a really long time. but it was good. i like gran turismo.

and then dae won called and we met up and we played risk. then dennis came. and the three of us played risk. and then dennis had to leave so dae won took him home. and then jenna picked me up and we went to dennis' house. and then we went to alpha video and rented dont be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood. or something like that. and then we went to dennis' house again. and then we watched the movie. and then we left. and then i came home. and then i went on the internet. and then i typed this. and then

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