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2001-08-03 - 12:22 a.m.

i can go camping now. thanks pop. he gave me permission to go at 1 a.m. this morning when i was sitting in front of the computer giving my mom lip. that was cool.

i also was looking at rally cars last night. those are some hella tyte rides. they go fast on any type of road. asphalt, snow, gravel, sand, dirt, etc. they go ZOOM! all over europe. the impreza wrx is one helluva bad ass car. and so is the ford focus. i like the impreza wrx even though the hood scoop is kinda ugly. its still a bad ass car and i can get over the cosmetics. and the focus has always been cool.

i also picked up the tents from rotc today. and i think they were kinda salty that i'd rather be camping then be there. but you know what? fuck them! ha ha ha! fuck rotc. it sucks. but kailua's rotc has kim kido... hot bitch she is.

i want to race rally cars!

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