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2001-08-04 - 12:20 a.m.

i went to kaneohe at 9 am this morning. i went to Kaneohe Marine Corps Base to go see ikaika and epiffani's graduation from marine corps leadership school, the same one that me, tiff, and deyson graduated from last year. our graduation ceremony was better. nah, but they had a lot more support from the base this year. the funny thing is that both of them were all burnt out. especially piff. she just wanted to go home. i mean, she really wanted to go home. she wouldn't stop saying how much she wanted to go back home. and the camps not even done yet. the fun stuff is still to come. they got to go to Polynesian Cultural Center, and tomorrow they get to go all over oahu. it should be fun now cause they get to at least do some real shit, no more of that mickey mouse bullshit.

and besides, ikaika found some hot chicks and stuff.

i wish i had a hot chick...

y'know, all day i haven't had a real meal. all i ate was what people didnt finish. like jenna had something from 7-11, i ate what she didnt finish. dennis' brother had food, and dennis asked to finish it, but he didnt want to finish it, so i finished it. and that was all i ate all day. well except for the two bags of popcorn that me and jenna ate while watching enemy of the state. but popcorn doesn't fill one up. wow, i figure i should be fine in a survival situation.

no, not really. i'd probably die of stupidity.

oh, and i saw carlie uyemura today. we were all at harold's house and i was bored so i walked up the street to carlie's house and i went in and talked to them for a whlie. i also talked to carlie's mom for a bit too. she didn't recognize me with hair. no one does really. they were all shocked to see me with hair. i like it. getting reactions out of people is cool.

well, i'll be going now. peace out y'all.

Previously on - Currentlier

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