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2001-08-04 - 11:42 p.m.

i am not going to be here. so dont try and call me. call my cell if its an emergency only. that is the only way i will talk to you. i will answer my cell everytime with "whats the emergency?" and if there is no emergency, then i will hang up on you. if you dont believe me, too bad for you cause you'll be hung up on. kapeiche? kapieche.

that goes for everyone.

except for hot chicks. if you're a hot chick, then you can call me whenever you want. how do you know if you're a hot chick? if i've ever said you were one, then i meant it and you can call me. but i dont want to hear from any guys at all. and i mean it.

well, with that... i bid thee all farewell.

oh, and one more condition that you can call me, if you find out Punahou Girl's last name, then you may call. but only for that. and once i know it, i dont want to talk to you anymore.

Previously on - Currentlier

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