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2001-08-12 - 11:38 p.m.

i went driving all over the place today. my dad let me drive wherever i wanted to. so i drove into manoa, then out to pauoa, and down to beritania and up pi'ikoi. this took me about an hour of just non-descript driving. i hate driving still yet. but i am getting better i'd say. oh crap. tomorrow i start freeway driving. oh shit... it'll be at 8 in the morning, isn't that when some people are still going to work? fuck fuck fuck...

driving sucks.

so does the hyundai.

oh, dae won leaves tomorrow. that kinda sucks. we lose a risk player and a friend. damn. well, it's okay. thats why god created the internet.

i hope i can get to the airport to see him off.

he came over tonight with sam, and so did dennis and jenna. we played our last game of risk with him. it was a missions game, but we didn't get a chance to finish it cause dae won and sam got here kinda late, so... yeah.

he will be missed.

i make it sound like he's dead, dont i?

well, he's not dead. just thought i'd point that out.

i dont want to go to rotc tomorrow. but i do cause i want to be proud to their faces. so, whatever. i'll go and sleep or something and miss four out of eight of the instructional hours cause i'm stupid and dick like that. well, i go now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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