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2001-08-13 - 9:35 p.m.

i ditched class today. i said i had drivers ed, when i really didnt, but i wasn't caught, so its all good. instead i went walking around makiki for two hours. i even saw lee anne, tina, and lee anne. so i walked to mcdonalds with them. so yeah. i spent the remaining of the two hours with them. that's my life. following girls.


(inside joke even though i dont think it's really funny)

and when i came back, i didn't do anything really. so i was happy. and then i left again. this time it was legit too.

i went to see dae won off. jenna picked me up from roosevelt. and while i was waiting for jenna and dennis to arrive, i saw punahou girl and cory waiting to drive. shit... she didn't even look my way. well, i have grown a lot of hair since then, but still. it is a little painful to be completely dissed like that. but i'm cool, i can deal with it cause i'm all like hard core and shit. nah, i didn't really care. it just woulda been nice to see her face cause shes pretty. but whatever. (can you tell i'm in denial?)

well, yeah, when we got to the airport we found the gate knowing his destination and a very rough estimate about what time he was leaving and on what airlines. i guess thats enough, but we were scared that it wasn't his gate that we were at cause when we got there, he wasn't there either. but we saw samantha and she told us that he was still checking in, so we were cool. and then me and dennis had the bright idea to act like terrorist by putting our dark glasses on and talking in code. it pissed jenna off a lot, but i thought it was funny. we also took a shit load of pictures when everyone else arrived too. kevin and julia; julie, kim, emily, and kerin; sam, her sister stephanie, and her mom; and dae won's mom, and two sisters. but we can say we were there first.

well, yeah, we took a shit load of pictures, and dennis took his first photos in three years. and he took enough to make up for those three years. mostly cause of pushy moms that he cant really disrespect. so yeah, he got suckered into it. and well, yeah... i also bought dae won a gift... at the news stand. i bought him a copy of sport compact car. it was the last of my money. i bought that magazine because i know he likes rims, and that magazine is full of adds, so he can look at all the shiny rims.

and well, after all the photos and handshakes and hugs, dae won boarded his flight. and gradually people disperssed. but the three of us, the remaining risk crew, we stayed until his plane left the gate. we were there to the end because we were a crew yo. i'm gonna miss him. but he'll be back.

after that i went home and i went to a student gov meeting. i drove to vineyard zippy's. i even went on the freeway, but just the on-ramp and off-ramp. not actually on it. it was pretty fun going 50 mph. too bad i had to floor the stupid accelerator just to get up to 40. damn civic. but yeah. i drove there, and i was scared when my dad said go on the freeway too. i was like "you mean on the freeway?!?" and he said yeah and i was scared. but i'm glad i didnt have to shift lanes onto the freeway because accelerating that fast would kinda freak me out.

and at the meeting, we discussed a lot of things. important things. and i still say we hold the damn senior luau at palama settlement despite what teruya says. fuck her.

and when i came home (no i didn't drive home, i aint ready for night driving), i called amy because she called me earlier. and that was cool because talking to girls is cool because girls are cool. so yeah, we talked and decided to do something on wednesday or something. lets see... think ryan... you have this week registration... and next week you have training for frosh orrientation day on wednesday, frosh orrientation on thursday, and first day school firday... dude... school is too soon.

i just remembered something, when we were at mcdonalds, i managed to make the entire dinning room quiet. i was busy telling lee anne mathews that i'm a "flaming heterosexual" and not a "flaming homosexual." and while i was elaborating the point of me being "heterosexual" versus "homosexual" the entire dinning room got quiet. and then i managed to make an ass outta myself and the other three. i said "hi! my name is juan! and i go to punahou!" and a lady actually believed me. but i corrected her nicely. i had fun. the other three didnt. :) and as we were leaving, i said bye to everyone else. it was pretty cool. i like being an ass.

so, yeah. man, i'm gonna miss dae won. i think we should retire his color- blue- from our games of risk. from now on, no one uses blue. but that's just a proposal... we'll see how it goes over with the other risk crew members. or maybe instead of retiring it, we make it the aggresor at all times in two player games. i dunno, just some ideas to throw out.

Previously on - Currentlier

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