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2001-08-14 - 11:41 p.m.

whoo! i finally went above 40 mph! and in a hyundai! i was able to reach 55. i actually went to at lest 60 at one point, but i was able to catch it before mr. kawano and i was able to brake appropriately. but yeah, that was the highlight of my day, going freeway driving from waipahu to honolulu.

on the way there, carlie managed to almost burn out. IN AN AUTOMATIC! yeah, what we think happened was that when she left off the accelerator it downshifted, but then she hit the accelerator again, and so the gears didn't have time to shift back up and it over torqued and the tires just spun for a second and boom, mini burn-out. but that's just a theory, still unproven and probably never will be. nothing really eventful happened to me while i was driving. well, except for the fact that i drove mr. kawano to his dry cleaners from the gas station and that i fully realized how much i like to drive fast around corners, or just fast in general.

driving fast is SO COOL.

oh, and i met brian schatz, district representative, today. yeah, that was interesting, he talked to us about leadership or something. i didn't really care. but i did pull off a good bullshit act that made me look all hardcore rotc-freak shit for him. i figure i'll do it for my own advantage.

i'm an asshole!

i also got free jack-in-the-box today. tiff akiyama and i were talking and she decided to go to jack's for dinner so i tagged along and i got free food from her. i was happy.

later on, dennis and jenna came over and we watched a hong kong movie. "duel." the swordplay in there was like a mix of the matrix and highlander. it was pretty cool. and the comedy parts were funny. partially cause of crude humor, but it was still funny.

yep. and then tomorrow i have to go in for registration. i have to work at registration. why am i doing this? because i'm a stupid sucka who does volunteer work. i also have to go to a grad comittee meeting tomorrow... and ake's gonna be there. i hope i dont kill him there. stupid fuck...

well, peace out y'all. and remember, cage the rage. arrive alive.

Previously on - Currentlier

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