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2001-08-15 - 9:54 p.m.

dae won called me today. that was really cool. and i didn't even expect it or anything. hell, i didnt know it was him! yeah, that was funny man. and the cool thing was that dae won called when i was with people so he got to talk to everyone too. yeah, jenna was really eager to talk to him, she like screamed and stuff, it was kinda funny. he says ohio sucks cause he can't go anywhere seeing as how he has no ride or anything, plus he doesn't have internet either cause he's not on campus. but he'll be on campus next week or something, so i'll be hearing from him soon again.

oh, and i got my schedule too. this is how it lines up:

1- Leadership- Yamamoto

2- English IV, X- Teruya

3- Newswriting- Hamel

4- Marine Science- Williams

5- Algebra I- Nishioka

6- JROTC IV- Kimura

my mom wants me to drop alg 1 to take consumer math, and i think i need to change my leadership to teruya's class. but i dont know, i'll figure it out later.

i go driving tomorrow. i think i'm doing on/off ramps and freeway driving. i cant wait to drive fast again. ;-) driving fast is a lot more fun than stop and go.

oh, and i managed to piss off jenna's little sister. i had fun doing that too because i like picking on freshmen. it's a lot of fun. and kerin got mad at me because i like to pick on freshmen, and that i cut in line by her too. and i was causing her trouble too. but it was cool.

after schedule pick up i went to a grad committe meeting and ms. dudoit didnt say she doesn't like ake, but she didn't say she does. and jenna flicked me when i said something he said sarcastically. so, yeah... and then the meeting ended and i got to eat more food. and then we all hung out in the parking lot thinking of stuff to do so we all agreed to go to my house. by all of us, i mean, me, jenna, kerin, julie, cindy, kim, chris marquez, emily, and coryn. nine people in my house. thats a feat. but it was done. and somewhat comfortably. jenna slept, emily, cindy, and chris played monopoly, coryn was on the computer, julie was looking over her shoulder, kim and coryn were either watching tv or sleeping, and i was going between all the groups causing trouble.

i like myself all asshole-ish.

yeah, and that was my day in general. my mom was making fun of me that i had so many girls over. i didn't care. it was all good for me. and coryn's friend thinks i go to whatchamacall it... punahou. thats pretty funny. me going to punahou... hah... i wonder if i know Punahou Girl?

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