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2001-08-16 - 11:41 p.m.

my kailua friend, kim- she doesn't know who jay and slient bob are! the poor lass... plus she doesn't know how to play risk. and she owns the game too! oh the poor girl... country life, it ruins one.

oh well, i'll help her out.

because shes hot is the main reason why.

i went driving today. and mr. kawano i think he broke the rules a little. he left the radio on, and i think he was chewing dip when i was driving. not to mention we were driving an entirely new car. it turns out the hyundai is broken. the same thing that happened to carlie on the freeway happened to ashley too. so we drove the echo. stupid car is really weird! the feakin' spedometer and shit is on the dashboard to the right of the wheel. it's like mounted in the middle of the dashboard. it's hard to explain but it's really bizzarly placed. and there's no way to adjust the mirrors from the inside. but it's really spacious in side. but i still wouldn't get one.

that was the only really important part of my day.

oh that and a cop told us where to kick it at ala moana beach park after 10 p.m. i like cops.

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