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2001-08-20 - 1:19 a.m.

crystal said that i should have no problem finding a girl friend because according to her, girls are looking for a guy who is: cute, smart, nice, has a personality, and athletic (in no particular order). but the thing is... i'm not cute, smart, athletic, and deffinately not nice. but i do have a personality. frankly, i dont think one out of five is very good odds.

lets see... if i were 1- cute. then i'd be a bad ass pimp.

2- smart. i wouldn't be worrying about passing high school.

3- athletic. i'd be in more sports than air riflery where they tell you to keep from physical activity which makes your heart beat faster because thats detrimental to your shooting. and no, just because i'm in rotc doesn't mean i do all that hard core running and push-ups and shit. i do as few as possible.

4- nice. if i were nice, i wouldn't have been hit by that car.

5- personality. i do have a personality, but not one that many people like. it's a really sarcastic one and a not very nice one either. it's kinda like... a mix of everyones bad side. i'm like the dark side man. i'm emperor palpatine.

and i'm not even that much of a star wars fan either...

and she said it wouldn't be all that much of a problem for me to get a chick... that's funny. i like you crystal, you're cool.

but not as cool as kim kido... Kailua Girl. no, dont call her that... bad karma surrounding that type of name. dude.... i really gotta stop liking people. it cant be helping my ego. i'm gonna destroy myself man.

Previously on - Currentlier

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