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2001-08-20 - 9:20 p.m.

my "i got hit by a car last night at the farm fair" story has become my favorite war story. i'm telling it to everyone, and i'm wondering how long till i start embellishing it to the point where it is no longer the same story.

but anyhow, i got my physical today. stop snickering, i didn't get the "turn your head and cough" treatment. i haven't gotten that for years. what i did get was a LONG talk from my pediatrician about making the right choices and all that poo. it was interesting. no, not really. it was rather boring. during that time i concluded that i wouldn't get these talks if i stoped looking like i was really paying attention.

i also found out that my blood pressure is really good. 90/60. or at least my pediatrician said that it's really good.

oh, and today is the third day i haven't spoken a word to my parents. i wonder how long i can keep this up? i mean, even silent bob speaks every once in a while.

speaking of silent bob, there's something with jay and silent bob tomorrow night on FX. i think it's tomorrow night. i know that jason mewes and kevin smith are going to be on two TV shows and clerks and mallrats is going to be on FX after those two shows. check your tv guides.

i had a funny thought. i was thinking that i should give the address of this to sara from kailua, but then she'd probably read all the kim comments and then she'd tell kim, and then i'd be in a world of shit. okay, so it wasn't so much funny as it was lame, but it was funny to me. i wonder what would happen if they found out that i have a crush on kim? right now kim is at sara's house dying her hair. dude... what i wouldn't give to be there...

Previously on - Currentlier

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