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2001-08-19 - 11:00 p.m.

i got hit by a car today.

no, seriously, i did.

we (me, jenna, dennis) were at the farm fair, and i was holding a spot so dennis could get the car in closer to the entrance, and then this guy comes by and decides he wants the stall. so i'm standing there shaking my head while he's reversing, and i know he can see me cause he's reversing right at me. and then he's getting close to me and i'm standing my ground cause i dont back down from nobody. so he keeps reversing and then boom, he hits my knee. BAM i punch his trunk. he goes forward a scootch and gets out of his car. HE'S A BIG MOTHER FUCKER. at least six feet tall, 300+ pounds and i'm lookin at him... "oh fuck what did i get into... who gives a shit! HE HIT YOU!"


and we get into an argument about if you can hold stalls. the funny thing is he asked this little japanese guy if you could reserve stalls and i think the guy said yes cause the big mofo said something like "it doesn't matter." and then dennis and jenna appeared and dennis came by. i think dennis helped in keeping the situation from turning violent.

but yeah, he was arguing me saying that i was gonna pay for the dent i made in his trunk and that he was gonna file a police report. i was ready to do what needed to be done... HE FUCKIN' HIT ME. but he decided to fuck off and he said "i'll see you inside."

so, me being the wise ass replied "i bet you will." but i didn't see him inside, i saw him at the ticket booth, but not inside. liar.

i was ready to bust his ass down if he wanted to throw down. and dennis woulda jumped in too if need be. i think i coulda taken him. all i had to do is make REAL sure i didnt get hit. but if i hit first, BOOM! down he would've gone. swift kick to the side of the knee. upper cut in the chin. smack him across the side of the head with a roundhouse punch. he would've been bleeding on the ground. and i would've been all like "get the fuck up mother fucker! c'mon you big piece of shit! get the fuck up!" and then when he does get up i'd be all like... "oh fuck..." and then i would've run like a little bitch.

no, seriously, i think i would've.

wouldn't you?

man... i haven't spoken a word to my parents for the second day straight. this is kinda addictive. i dont think i'm going to be talking tomorrow either.

my knee is still a little sore... dickhead...

Previously on - Currentlier

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